Our courses - Use what you learn everyday!

Mundart Schule is dedicated to Swiss German only.
Our online courses are concepted to the special circumstances of communication in Switzerland and provide updated information on culture and life in Switzerland.
In acknowledging Mundart (=Swiss German) as our mother tongue, our teaching practice provides a special approach:

We turn German skills to a “neutral” Mundart and adress (the few) dialect differencies. 

Our program material is easy to read and has no niveaus, but lots of culture.

NEW: Join our new Swiss ABC Basic Courses

Our Swiss ABC Basic Course contains 10 lessons à 90min and gives you a good kickstart to join the Swissgerman community!

Join a Swiss ABC Minigroup Course here!


Learning Swiss German is a lot of fun and absolutely worthwhile when based in Switzerland!

The Chuchichäschtli Program for Expats is a full course customized especially for Expats with a B1 level in German.
The 30 lessons take place online, in mini groups of 3-5 participants and an optimal duration of 90 minutes per lesson.
Turn your German skills to Mundart, learn to understand and speak on the way!
Learn everything you need to interact with the local Swiss people in your everyday or professional life.
Learn more about Swiss culture, get to know Swiss personalities and explore Swiss humour!

condition: B1 Level German
duration: Full course of 30 lessons à 90 minutes
participants: Mini groups of 3-5, online (Google Meets)
costs: 55.- CHF / lesson of 90 min (36.60/h)
Full course: 1650.- CHF
Material is free, no other fees
Focus on understanding and culture

incl. Mundart Mediathek

Do you have more questions? Check our FAQ for answers or contact us!

Not sure about your German level? Do our placement test!


Mundart lernen ist für Hochdeutschsprachige einfach, lohnenswert und ein grosser Plausch!

Das Chuchichäschtli für Dütschi Programm wurde speziell für die Bedürfnisse unserer Hochdeutschsprachigen Mitbürger konzipiert. In 30 Online-Lektionen à 90 Minuten lernen Sie Mundart verstehen, sprechen und viel Nützliches über Schweizer Gepflogenheiten. Schweizer Kultur, Humor, Helvetismen und aktuelle Themen sind neben dem Erlernen der sprachlichen Unterschiede ein grosser Teil jeder Lektion.

Dauer: 30 Lektionen à 90 Minuten
Teilnehmer: Minigruppen 3-5, online (Google Meets)
Kosten: 55.- CHF / Lektion à 90 min (36.60/Std.)
Kurskosten: 1650.- CHF
Das Material ist kostenlos, keine weiteren Gebühren

inkl. Mundart Mediathek

Haben Sie Fragen? Schauen Sie unsere FAQ oder kontaktieren Sie uns! 


Train to act and react in Mundart and explore more about your home in Switzerland!

Tätschmeischter Programm Für Alli is a follow up course to the Chuchichäschtli program and focused on speaking only.

duration: Full course of 15 lessons à 90 minutes
participants: Mini groups of 3-5, online (Google Meets)
costs: 55.- CHF / lesson of 90 min (36.60/h) – Full course: 825.- CHF
Material is free, no other fees or costs
Focus on speaking

Händ Sie no Frage? Lueged Sie bi de FAQ oder kontaktiered Sie ois!

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